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Nov 22, 2021

It’s that time of year for gingerbread cookies, eggnog and figgy pudding (mmmm....I can almost taste it now πŸ˜€).

DISCLAIMER! This is not your typical blog about how to lose weight over the holidays or how to "refrain" yourself from eating those fresh and delicious gingerbread cookies. Instead, this article is to simply encourage you to enjoy yourself (guilt-free) and to provide you with 6 little, yet effective strategies that will keep you feeling happy, healthy and confident straight into the New Year and beyond.


1. Fill Half Your Plate With Veggies

If you look down at your plate, is it mainly cheeses, cookies and meat or is there some “greenery” in there? Vegetables come with so many health benefits including fibre, which will help fill you up faster and keep you feeling full longer. 

Does cheesy cauliflower count? Yes, because getting some vegetables in is absolutely better than none, even if they are smothered in delicious cheesy goodness πŸ˜€ 


2. Eat Mindfully

Chew slowly and pay attention to the smell and the taste of your food. It can take approximately 20 minutes to feel full once you start to eat. By enjoying your food at a slower pace, you’re less likely to miss the signals from your stomach and brain that you’re full.  And heck...don't we all just want to savour each bite of those Christmas cookies anyways? πŸŽ…


3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Make it a rule of thumb - for every holiday cocktail you drink, have a glass of water in between. Not only will your body thank you in the morning, but drinking lots of water can help prevent overeating by creating a sense of fullness.


4. Fill Up Your Plate and Keep Movin'

If you’re parked right in front of the buffet table, how can one resist!? If you're like me, chances are you will eat and eat and eat till the next thing you know it's time to put on those stretchy pants. Try filling up that plate and finding a different spot to park.


5. Pick Your Favourites

Which is it? Pumpkin pie, shortbread cookies, or fruitcake? Whichever it is, try picking one or two of your favourite desserts and savour each bite! 


6. Get Some Movement

I get it, the holidays can be nuts and jam-packed, but that shouldn't be an excuse to put our health on the back-burner! Set time aside or even better, schedule exercise into your calendar. Whether it’s a 10-minute walk, a yoga class or a Half Hour of Power class with MOVEHAPPY, there’s nothing more important than a healthy and happy YOU!


Why wait for the New Year to start working on your health goals when you can start right now with little baby steps. Make this holiday your healthiest one yet and strut into that New Year as a stronger and happier version of you… your mind and body will thank you for it.