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PROGRAM COURSE HIGHLIGHT: Learn to Build New & Healthy Habits

Feb 08, 2023


Today’s post is all about the Learn to Build New & Healthy Habits program here at MOVEHAPPY! This program was curated by Registered Kinesiologist and Exercise Physiologist, Sarah McFadyen, to support and guide individuals who are looking to create and maintain healthy habits to improve physical and mental well-being through a strategy known as the 'small change approach'.


"I know lifestyle change isn't easy and can be so overwhelming, and that's why I'm here with you every step of the way!"


Over 6 short lessons, you will learn a simple yet effective method that will help you build new habits from week-to-week. This method will keep you feeling focused and hold you accountable to your goals. 

You will gain skills and knowledge to implement new habits and the support to make them stick. Take control of your behaviour and make conscious choices for a happier, healthier and more vibrant life!


This workshop is for anyone who:

  • Wants to start a new healthy habit
  • Is tired of being on and off with exercise or diets
  • Needs support to make changes and make them stick
  • Wants to improve their physical and mental well-being


About Our Program


Here at MOVEHAPPY, we're not about the "quick fix" and we're so much more than exercise. Not only do we want members to take part in all of our classes and to move their bodies consistently, but we also want to teach people how to create and achieve realistic health goals in a way that's simple, non-intimidating and very doable. The ultimate goal is to help you become a "behaviour change guru" so you can implement and adopt new healthy behaviours...and most importantly, stick to them lifelong! 


The best part? You can take this course for absolutely free and complete it at your own pace and get access to ALL of our classes with our 14-day trial, click here to start today πŸ’•


You'll be able to track and record all of your Weekly Health Intentions

using our fillable and downloadable tracker. 


How the Course is Structured 


"Most people have very good intentions to make positive health changes, but many of us don't have the tools or strategies to actually drive the behaviour change or to take action." 


There are 6 mini lessons that build upon each other. 


The lessons include: 


β˜‘ An Introduction To Your Healthy Habit Workshop

β˜‘ How to Create a Meaningful Health Vision

β˜‘ Learning how to set Realistic & Achievable Goals

β˜‘ How to set Weekly Health Intentions

β˜‘ How to Overcome Frustration With Your Goals

β˜‘ The Importance of Self-Compassion 

β˜‘ Reflecting & Revising your Health Intentions

β˜‘ Summary & Certificate  


Course curriculum - short, sweet and actionable! 


Getting the Most Out of This Course 


"Behaviour change is hard. If it were easy, then we'd ALL be doing it, but I'm here to support you and to help you step-by-step."


When I built out this course, what I kept top of mind was how hard and lonely a health journey can be. Not only did I want to help people learn a simple and methodical way to improve their habits and behaviours, but I wanted them to feel supported and for this process to be interactive. At the bottom of each lesson, I invite and encourage members to drop questions, to let us know what habits they're focusing on and to include us on their journey so we're all in it, a little bit of accountability can go a long way too!  

What you put into this course is exactly what you'll get out of it! I encourage you to thoroughly read each lesson, complete the activities and to engage! Most importantly, it will take practice, patience and time to really establish those habits.   


A snippet taken from Lesson 5: Reflecting & Revising your Health Intentions.    




Don’t Worry About Big Changes

Change takes time and that’s ok! If you go into this course with the expectation that exercise and lifestyle change is a process and not a race, you’ll be more likely to enjoy the journey and most importantly, stick to it! 

One Step at a Time 

The biggest thing to keep in mind is to take it one step at a time. People have a tendency to want to change everything at once and overwhelm themselves. Baby steps and small changes are a great way to implement and sustain new habits lifelong.

Have Self-Compassion

We can be so hard on ourselves, however when you are more self-compassionate, you are more likely to choose things that nurture both your mental and physical health. The journey will be much more enjoyable if you are patient and compassionate towards yourself. 



Are you ready to Learn How to Build Healthy & New Habits? You can take this program for absolutely free with our 14-day trial, click here to start today πŸ’•