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Nov 14, 2022

Whether you're just beginning your fitness journey or you're struggling to make time for it in your busy life, a common theme among many people is they’re lacking in the scheduling process!

This challenge is often the result of “finding the time” to exercise versus “making the time” to exercise. “Finding the time” indicates that working out is a low priority. 

Whereas, “making the time” tells you and others that you have scheduled time for yourself and you will not do anything else in its place. Scheduling your workouts is like making a date with yourself. It lets you, your friends, your boss and whoever else know that you have prioritized this part of your day and that it's important to you. 

If you're trying to make exercise part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth everyday or you need to focus on making time for it, then scheduling your workouts is a strategy that can work wonders for people!


 Here are some of the key benefits of scheduling your fitness routine week to week: 


1. You'll feel more motivated and avoid procrastination 

A fitness schedule helps you integrate exercise into your daily life, minimizing the risk of, "I'll just do it tomorrow", also known as...procrastination! Soon exercise will be something you can’t live without, rather than something you need to talk yourself into.


2. Your fitness routine will be more balanced 

A scheduled fitness routine allows you to to develop a more balanced regime consisting of strength training, flexibility, mobility and cardio. When we lack consistency with our fitness routine, we may lean on performing only one type of exercise (generally the one we are the most comfortable with) and miss the benefits that come with other types of exercise. 

If you're currently a member at MOVEHAPPY, then you never have to worry about balancing your routine, that's our job! Every class each week fits together like puzzle piece, ensuring to train each muscle group adequately while avoiding overuse. 


3. You build your self-efficacy and develop other habits 

Scheduling workouts and building a habit out of exercise can potentially help you schedule and commit to other habits too. When you prove to yourself that you can make a workout schedule and stick to it, not only does this build your self-efficacy, i.e., your "I can do it muscle" but this can help change your views on other tasks or habits in your day-to-day life. For example, maybe you'll start setting a reminder in your phone to take your vitamins or to finish and refill your water bottle. Or perhaps you'll start scheduling other habits into your daily routine such as a daily walk after lunch or 5 minutes of meditation before bed. 


4. You'll be way more committed 

When you schedule your workouts, overtime and with consistency they will become more habitual. Your fitness routine becomes part of your lifestyle, much like anything else you do every day, such as brushing your teeth or walking your dog. The more your fitness routine becomes part of your everyday life, the more consistent you will be. 


5. You'll be more likely to incorporate recovery days

Your workouts are only as good as your body's ability to recover from them. Overtraining is a common challenge leading to fatigue, burn out or injury. Rest days are essential to allow your muscles the necessary time to recover from physical activity. 


*It's important to remember when you're scheduling your workouts, to keep your goals realistic, doable and fun! You can learn more about creating a tailored workout plan by clicking here!  



If you're ready to experience the power of scheduling your workouts and making your fitness a priority once and for all, then make sure to come try our joint-friendly fitness and yoga with the chair classes that will leave you feeling stronger, energized and more confident with our 14-day free trial, click here