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Jan 01, 2023

 "Creating a healthy relationship with exercise is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our health, however our minds can be our own worst enemies."


You want to start exercising again but you’re so overwhelmed just thinking about stepping into a gym or even joining a program from home. The questions and self-doubt flood your mind:

What gym do I go to?

I’m completely out of shape

"Everyone is going to stare at me

“What exercises do I do?”

What if I hurt myself?”

and the list goes on until you’re paralyzed with so much self-doubt that you end up doing nothing! Does this sound familiar? Then read on my friends, and trust me... you are definitely not alone in how you feel 🥰

We often think we’re “too out of shape” to get started, intimidated by all of the other gym-goers and plagued by thoughts that people are going to judge us, but I’m here telling you right now that these thoughts are all very far from the truth!

The "gym-jitters" is a real thing, so how can you push past self-doubt so you can rock it at the gym or with your new routine from home?

Here are five tips that will help get rid of your gym-jitters and build CONFIDENCE:


1. Find a gym or program that's in-line with your goals and lifestyle

Before you sign up at any gym, take a tour of the facility to get a feel for the environment and vibe. Are the people at the front-desk warm and friendly? Are there personal trainers on the floor that are willing to assist? Is there a sense of community? Another thing to keep in mind is the type of clientele - are there a lot of bodybuilders and “grunters” or are people mainly there for general fitness? If you’re already nervous about going to a gym, picking a place full of bodybuilders is probably not the best fit for you.

This goes for any type of remote/virtual program as well. Do a bit of research on the program before signing up or most programs offer a free trial that you can take advantage of. Make sure the instructors are educated and qualified for your needs, the program is in-line with your goals and suitable for your fitness level, you like the overall 'vibe', and if you're really not sure, then go check out some Google reviews to read about other people's experience. 

DID YOU KNOW? People are more likely to succeed with their fitness goals if there’s a sense of community and they're surrounded by like-minded individuals and that's why community is so important here at MOVEHAPPY. We like call ourselves 'the tribe' and we'll always have your back! You can get to know some of our members and their fitness stories by clicking here!


2. I feel like people are watching me

Most people are purely focused on what they're doing, and not you! I know it might feel like everyone is staring at you, but just remember most people are there to get their own workout in - they're not there to judge you. If anything, most people will applaud, encourage or commend you for coming to the gym! 

If you're super jittery about other people watching you, then it might be a good idea to consider starting a remote program, something you can do in the complete comfort and privacy of your own home so you can get moving without any hesitations! 


3. I’m not “fit” enough to go to a gym

Never forget that everyone starts somewhere. Everyone you see at the gym had a first day or a starting point. The best approach to take is to start low and slowly build yourself up. Don’t compare yourself to the person next to you on the treadmill sprinting or the guy lifting 60 lbs in each arm. Remember, you may not feel at your peak physical self when you first start out but think of your future self (i.e., being strong and healthy) and use that as your motivation.

TIP: Listen to your body and gently ease your way into a gym routine, this will help to prevent burnout or injuries. In many cases when someone new to exercise starts a routine, they’ll do way too much, too quickly and end up hurting themselves. This can result in having to take a couple of weeks off the gym and risk completely falling off track. If you're looking to "ease in", then make sure to come check out our 'Ease Into Exercise' program [click here for more information], which can be done entirely free with a 14-day trial! 


4. I have no idea what to do

When you’re first starting out it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what you should or shouldn’t do, especially if you’re working with any current medical conditions or injuries (see 'tip' below). Most gyms offer a free introductory session with a trainer that will help you get comfortable with all of the machines and equipment. That being said, don’t be shy to ask the trainers on the floor for help, that’s what they're there for! WHATEVER YOU DO, don’t just go to the gym and “wing it” each time, that's a quick way to feel lost or frustrated. Having a plan will keep you feeling focused, accountable and ensure that you're not overusing or underusing your muscles.

If you're a MOVEHAPPY member, then you already know that you don't have to worry about the what, which exercises to do, how many days per week, when etc... we take care of all of that for you so you all you need to do is show up 😊 

TIP: If you have any medical conditions or injuries, find out what qualifications the personal trainers have. In most cases, trainers at regular gyms are only qualified to work with the “healthy” individual. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or if you have or had any heart-related conditions, you’re better seeking out a Registered Kinesiologist or an Exercise Specialist, who are highly educated and trained to work with people with underlying health challenges.


5. Focus on your mindset

Your mindset and the story you tell yourself is everything and will play a critical role in your success. If you constantly tell yourself that you’re “too out of shape”, that everyone is going to laugh at you or you’re not good enough, then you can bet that reaching your goals will be extremely difficult. You need to change the narrative in your mind and start telling yourself that YOU CAN DO IT and repeat that to yourself over and over again. By putting yourself down constantly, you’ll be less likely to want to try anything or stick to an exercise routine.



Still feeling lost?

Did you know that here at MOVEHAPPY we specialize in getting people moving from the comfort of their home with joint-friendly fitness and yoga classes designed for all fitness levels? We sure do! Come try us out, completely free with a 14-day trial! Click here to start today 💕