Oct 29, 2021It’s important for both our mental and physical health to move our bodies, but that doesn’t mean you have to put yourself through the most intense and vigorous workout of your life.
We all go through it - times where we just don’t feel like ourselves, we’re tired, everything’s just ‘blah’, bored, stagnant, you name it…we’ve all been there and probably more than once. Typically when we’re feeling ‘off’, the last thing we want to do is exercise and move our bodies, however, these are probably the times we need it the most, but HOW is the big question when we’re feeling so blah!?
It’s important for both our mental and physical health to move our bodies, but it doesn’t mean you have to put yourself through the most intense and vigorous workout of your life. ANY kind of movement is beneficial. It could be a walk around the block, a gentle yoga class or dancing in your living room. Sounds peachy, but the same question still remains…HOW can you even get to that point when all you feel like doing is curling up into a little ball and listening to sad country songs? I got you!
Here are a few of my personal and favourite strategies that have worked for both myself and many of my clients:
SELF-COMPASSION - Probably the most important one. It’s perfectly OK to nurture yourself for a few days while you work through whatever it is that you’re feeling. Take the time to “feel the feels” - grumpy, agitated, sad, frustrated or just simply off. Instead of beating yourself up for the way you’re feeling, give yourself permission to just let it be, breathe and show yourself some love.
VISUALIZATION - Professional athletes use these tactic all of the time to help perform at their best, and you can use it as well to motivate yourself to get moving. Clearly visualize yourself being active, whether that’s going on a walk or doing a workout and generate all of the emotional feelings you would experience if you were actually achieving that situation. You will experience the same physiological reactions and release some of the same happy chemicals as if you were actually living that experience.
K.I.S.S - Keep It Stupid Simple! Make your goals so small, that you just can’t say no! You don’t have to get up and do an hour long workout, it can be as short as 5 minutes! Remember, the goal here is to get yourself out of this mental funk and move. Make it way less overwhelming and intimidating for yourself by setting little, baby goals that you just can’t say no to. It can be as small as just putting on your runners, going for a walk to the mailbox and back or only doing half of a workout - take the pressure off and make it easy!
REMEMBER HOW YOU’ll FEEL ONCE YOU’RE DONE - Think about how you’ll feel after you’ve finished exercising. Okay I know, many of us don’t love the process of exercising, but I bet most of us can agree that we love the way we feel once we’re done - accomplished, strong, happier, more energy and confident! Focus on those feelings, and let them illuminate through your mind and body, and let that be your motivator.
NATURE WALK - The sights, sounds and smells of being outside among the trees can help our brains stop from worrying and bring us into the present moment. When we’re anxious, sad or worried, it’s very likely we’re either thinking about something that occured in the past, or we’re thinking about something that hasn’t happened yet (and may not) in the future. Going outside and practicing mindfulness, is a tactic that can help make you feel grounded again. If you’re really not up for it, at the very least, try stepping outside for a few minutes to enjoy the fresh air and while you’re at it, take in a few big inhales and let out some noisy exhales.
ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER - This is your partners time to shine! I’m not saying you need to ‘unload’ all of your thoughts and feelings on them, but this is the perfect opportunity to use their positivity and motivation to help you get moving. Maybe you have a coach that will give you those gentle nudges or a friend that you can call and go on a walk with, whoever it is, let them know what you’re aiming to do, and let your partner be a bright light.
Now, this is by no means an exhaustive list of strategies that can help you get out of your mental funk and help you get moving, but my hope is that you can put one these strategies into your back pocket and use it during a time when you need it the most.
In health,
Sarah McFadyen |Owner|Kinesiologist|Yoga Teacher