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Jul 31, 2023

Many of us know how important consistency is, but clearly, we still find it difficult to be consistent.

That initial burst of motivation we experience when we first start a new exercise routine or eating plan quickly fades, usually after disappointing results or perhaps a dip in motivation.

In order to achieve consistent results, I believe the battle to remain consistent first starts in the approach to achieving your goal.

Below, I've outlined 6 steps that you can implement TODAY to start building a consistent and healthy exercise habit.



While people often start exercising to lose weight or to get healthier, that approach often is not enough to encourage ongoing exercise. Having a clear and concise why will give you deep purpose and provide you with the motivation you need on the days you feel BLAH!

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why is exercising important to you?
  • What will this allow you to do?
  • How will this improve your life?
  • What are the consequences if you don't make a change?

For example and from a current MOVEHAPPY member: "Disease prevention, to feel better mentally and physically and to stay as mobile and flexible as possible as I age so I can continue to cycle, hike and kayak."




Research shows that when we make our goals really concrete and bite size, the more likely people are to do it and stick to it.

 Things to think about when writing out your goals:

  • When will you exercise?
  • Where?
  • How often? 
  • Which exercises?

For example: I will do my resistance training on Mon/Wed/Fri at 7am for 30 mins from home.

πŸ’‘ MAKE EXERCISE A NON-NEGOTIABLE - don't just think about it...write it down and schedule it into your week.

A weekly fitness schedule example:

Mon: Full Body Training

Tues: Cardio & Core

Wed: Rest or a gentle yoga class

Thurs: Full Body Training

Fri: Rest or a walk 

If this schedule looks familiar... then you're probably a member πŸ˜„





Rigidity and perfectionism are often the enemy to building an exercise habit. People who allow for more variability in their routine, are more likely to build an exercise habit.

When we run into a bump in the road, we're able to adapt and be flexible with our routines.

Remember, doing a little bit each day will add up to big change. You don't have to spend hours each week in a gym to achieve great results.

In fact, you can achieve amazing results by simply exercising 10 minutes per day, or taking our Full Body Training classes 2x per week! 




This ties in with step 3, setting specific goals, however now you're getting into the routine of setting little health goals each week.

As most of us know and have experienced, it can be extremely difficult to break old habits and replace them with new ones.

Setting weekly health intentions keep you focused, accountable and prevent you from slipping into old habits and feeling overwhelmed.

Examples of health intentions:

  • "I'm going to do my MOVEHAPPY classes on Mon/Wed/Fri for 30 minutes."
  • "I'm going to eat a salad everyday with lunch."
  • "I'm going to take my daily vitamins after I drink my coffee in the morning"
  • "I'm going to gratitude journal every night before bed" 
  • "I'm going to research healthy breakfast ideas on Friday morning" 
  • "I'm going to walk 3x per week on Tues/Fri/Sun in the afternoon" 
  • "I'm going to meditate for 5 minutes each morning before I start my day"


Join our MOVEHAPPY membership and get access to our step-by-step workshop that teaches you how to create and execute weekly health intentions. Click here for a 14-day trial.


The above is MOVEHAPPY's downloadable Health Intention Tracker available in the membership under "Learn to Build New & Healthy Habits".



Here's a step that often gets skipped.

Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, what if you took a few moments to reflect?

Reflection allows you to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. It can also give you the information you need to create a plan that prevents certain situations from triggering an old unhealthy habit, help you better understand why it didn't go as planned and then allow you to readjust. 

It's a tool that truly allows you to learn more about yourself and not a time to beat yourself up. 




It often takes months for exercise habits to form. Continue to remind yourself that you are creating a LIFElong habit and not something that can only be sustained for 3 weeks. 

Patience and consistency are the key to feeling and seeing progress and I promise you, it's well worth the wait. 

Make a promise to yourself that you will put in the time, energy and effort it requires to build LIFElong, healthy and sustainable habits.

If any of you need help with consistency, then make sure to join our incredible community for all of the support, guidance and accountability you need to reach all of your health and wellness goals!