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Oct 29, 2021

You may have heard that “sitting is the new smoking” and now with a global pandemic going on, many of us are doing a lot more Netflixing and couch potatoing than moving and grooving lately. But just because we’re more confined to our homes, does NOT mean we should be saying “adios!” to our healthy habits. In fact, MORE THAN EVER we need to do everything in our power to stay as healthy as possible for both our physical and mental health and to help keep our immune systems going strong.

The GOOD news about incorporating more movement into your day is that you don’t require a gym or fancy equipment and by taking these small steps on a daily basis, you can improve and/or maintain your health. So whether you’re just starting out on your fitness journey or you’re an experienced “gym-goer”, everyone can benefit from learning simple yet creative ways to getting more movement into their day! So here you go, our Top 5 FAVOURITE ways to getting more movement from the comfort and safety of your own home!



This one’s fun 😁 Make it a rule of thumb for every commercial that comes on, to do something active, such as sit-to-stands, calf raises or watch our fun, 1-minute video on how to do the ‘Couch Potato Workout’.



We completely understand that you may not “prefer” to take the stairs, but it’s one of the BEST exercises you could ever do. It’s an aerobic and full-body EXTRAVAGANZA (see how much more fun it sounds already πŸ˜‰) which gets your heart-rate up, ultimately strengthening and improving your cardiovascular fitness. So not only does it help to strengthen one of the most important organs in your body (❀️) but it also helps increase muscle tone, bone density and overall strength.

*P.s…. Do you have high-blood pressure? It’s been shown in research that small bouts of exercise can almost immediately lower blood pressure, this is known as post-exercise hypotension. This response can last up to 24 hours after exercise, which is why it is recommended that people with high blood pressure exercise daily.



A great habit that anyone can implement is waking up and starting the day with a gentle stretching routine, whether it’s from your bed, a chair or on a yoga mat. Not only can this help set the stage for your day in a calm and positive manner, but stretching can help to reduce pain, increase blood circulation, improve flexibility and mobility and decrease stress and muscle tension.



This could possibly be our favourite πŸ˜€ Nothing beats turning up your favourite tunes and dancing till the cows come home! Dancing can boost happiness, reduce stress, improve balance and increase aerobic fitness. So make it a habit after dinner to turn up some tunes and tear up that living room floor!



Whether you’re using a Fitbit, an app on your phone or a step-pedometer, tracking your steps is one of the best ways to hold yourself accountable and it can be used as a great motivational tool! Did you only get 2,000 steps today? Well aim for 2,500 tomorrow and slowly build yourself up till you reach your ultimate goal. Another great way to increase accountability and to get more steps in is to challenge your spouse or a friend to see who can get the most steps in a day…plus, a little healthy competition never hurt anyone…right 😏

Other sneaky ways to get more movement into your day include:

  • Making a habit to go on afternoon walks

  • Getting up and walking around the living room for every TV commercial

  • Marching while brushing your tooth

  • Set hourly walking reminders to get up and walk down the hallway or use the stairs

  • Do housework or yard work


The general idea is to keep your body moving in order to improve and maintain your health. Let’s not use being “stuck at home” as an excuse to kiss our healthy habits goodbye! Remember, we are ALL in this together and the happier and healthier you can be as an individual, the stronger we will all be together.

If you would like a Personalized Movement Plan that you can do from the comfort of your home, to be part of fun and weekly, remote exercise classes suited for ALL fitness levels , Health Coaching and more, make sure to contact us today!