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Apr 22, 2022
 Who doesn’t love a little challenge πŸ˜€ !? 


If you’ve been finding that you’ve been a little less active lately, your motivation levels are low OR maybe you just love a good old fashioned challenge, then this one’s for you! 

PERFECTION is not the goal of this challenge - it's come as you are, do what you can and use what you got kind of vibe!




The aim of this challenge is to set realistic goals that fit with your lifestyle. If you’re looking to get more movement in this month, then I’ve created this #EVERYDAYINMAY challenge to help keep you motivated, accountable and focused. 

The idea of this challenge is to move your body every day in May for 30 minutes. 

The key to success here is to mix it up between high intensity and low intensity exercise throughout the month. Thirty minutes of movement might look like a leisurely walk through the park, a yoga or fitness class, a workout in your living room or going for a run. 


“I don’t have 30 minutes every day!”


If you don’t have 30 minutes to spare every day or 30 minutes sounds a little intimidating, then how about breaking it up into 10 minute increments? This could look like a 10 minute morning workout, a 10 minute afternoon walk and a 10 minute stretch before bed. It doesn’t have to be done all at once in order to be effective.

Drop the “all or none” mentality and remember that a little bit is better than absolutely nothing!


What the challenge is NOT


It’s not a challenge to run a 5k every day or to do 100 pushups or squats in a day. Doing the same exercises every single day without rest can be more harmful than good.

The goal of this challenge is to get you moving…HAPPY! I want this experience to be fun and enjoyable, not boring or treacherous.

For the best results, it's always a great idea to start small and slowly build yourself up over time. 


Pick activities that you ENJOY


The more you enjoy something, the way more likely you'll stick to it. 

Find activities that you enjoy doing that you can incorporate into your day for 30 minutes. 

Ideas for intentional movement include:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Bicycling
  • Yoga
  • Stretching
  • Swimming
  • Mobility
  • MOVEHAPPY classes
  • Foam rolling
  • Dancing
  • Fitness classes  
  • Bodyweight exercises
  • Dumbbell workouts   


If you have not a clue what to do every single day, then make sure to check out MOVEHAPPY!!! I teach live, joint-friendly fitness and yoga classes Mon-Thurs and have over 200 classes'll never have to stress about what to do, leave all of that to me πŸ˜€


What if I miss a day? 


Then it's ALL GOOD! This challenge is not about perfection, it's about doing your very dang best. You'll still reap the benefits of the challenge if you miss one or two days out of the entire month! I think the BIGGER challenge for most people is that if you miss a day, can you pull yourself back on track? And the answer is, YES OF COURSE YOU CAN!


How to stay motivated


Thirty-one days can feel like a loooooong time, so how can you ensure to keep going? 

  1. Join our Facebook Group, Stronger Together (CLICK HERE!)- I'll be posting weekly in there to help keep you all motivated and accountable! Plus, it's way more fun when you're doing it with a group of like-minded people!  
  2. Just remember that getting started is always the hardest part! Make a commitment to yourself to do it for 10 minutes, even if it's just a walk.
  3. Print out a calendar and throw it up on the fridge - for every day you complete, mark an X. 
  4. Share online! Use the hashtag #everydayinmay and tag me on Instagram @move.happy.with.sarah or Facebook @LetsMoveHappy so that I can cheer you on!!
  5. Invite your friends & family to come join the challenge and the group for added accountability and some friendly competition! 
  6. And remember, Action Leads To Motivation! So move first, then get motivated.


What happens once the challenge is over?


You keep going!!! The beautiful thing about this challenge is that it teaches you to be consistent and helps to engrave those healthy habits into the brain! 



  1. The idea of this challenge is to move your body every day in May for 30 minutes. 
  2. This challenge is not about being perfect - it's a come as you are and let's do our best kind of vibe!
  3. Find activities that you ENJOY doing and can stick to - make sure to start low and slowly build yourself up overtime 
  4. Join our Facebook Group, Stronger Together (CLICK HERE!)- I'll be posting weekly in there to help keep you all motivated and accountable! 
  5. Share online! Use the hashtag #everydayinmay and tag me on Instagram @move.happy.with.sarah or Facebook @LetsMoveHappy so that I can cheer you on!!
  6. Let's have some fun and get movin'!!!! 

Let me know if you're in and let's do this tribe!!!!!!

In health,

Sarah McFadyen, Owner | Kinesiologist | Yoga Teacher