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Jan 13, 2022
Let's help get ya in the MOOD to exercise from home! 
At times, it can be straight up difficult to just get to our workouts (maybe weeks, sometimes even months for some). And you know what, at times one of the best strategies is to just give ourselves permission to rest.
Don't get us wrong, rest and recovery is very important, but we're not talking about that today! We're here to give you a list of 7, simple strategies that you can do to help get yourself in the mood to MOVE YOUR BODY, even if it's only for 10 minutes! 
1. Designate a workout space in your home - create a little zen/exercise space for yourself. Remove any distractions and lay out your equipment.
2. Plan out your workout in advance - don't wait till the moment you decide to workout to figure out what you're going to do. There's TONS of resources online you can use to follow and...there's us too  πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ƒ
3. Lay out your workout clothes the night before - ah yes, this works as a great reminder to do your workout the next day. Lay it all out, nice and pretty so you can get straight to it the next day! 
4. Just do a little bit - remove the overwhelm by simply telling yourself that a little bit is always better than nothing, because it truly is!
5. Tell a friend your intentions to workout - a little bit of accountability can go a long, loooong way and trust us, we do this for a living! 
6. Think about your why - why is living a healthier and more active lifestyle important to you? Dig deep here.
7. Have some dang fun! - we can be SO hard on yourselves. This journey isn't meant to be perfect or exhausting (mentally or physically). Find something you like to do that's active, do it up and smile!
We hope these strategies help you get movin'! 
And if you really have a difficult time getting moving and finding a sustainable and enjoyable routine, then come be part of of the MOVEHAPPY tribe! This is exactly what we help people with every, single day - finding happy and sustainable movement routines from home!